They did a$ 220 million renovation, and then the Minister of Finance called us and said they wanted us to take over the hotel. 阿曼斥2.2亿美元巨资,对酒店进行了翻新。随后,阿曼财政部长就致电我们,表示他们希望丽思卡尔顿接管这家酒店。
My wife is the minister of finance, my mother-in-law is the minister of war, and my daughter is foreign secretary. 我妻子是财政部长。我岳母是作战部长,我女儿是外交秘书。
The idea is to streamline the whole system, especially economic affairs, effectively appointing a minister of finance to pull everything together, a senior Vatican official, who asked not to be identified, said. There will be more transparency and more professional guidance. 此举的目的是精简整个体系,特别是经济事务,实际上任命了一个财政大臣来统筹各项事宜,一位不愿具名的梵蒂冈高级官员说,未来会有更大的透明度和更专业的指引。
Lee Hsien Loong, 63, has run the country since being elected prime minister in 2004, after occupying a series of top jobs including finance minister and head of the central bank. 现年63岁的李显龙自2004年当选总理以来主政至今,之前他曾出任一系列高层职位,包括财政部长和央行行长。
The politician was appointed as the Minister of Finance. 这位政治家被任命为财政部长。
Financial crisis, the British Prime Minister Tony Brown in his10 years of experience in finance, introduced a number of economic policies to save, also known as super-heroes. 金融风暴爆发后,英国首相布朗以他十年财长的经验,推出多项拯救经济政策,也被称为超级英雄。
Japanese Prime Minister Aso accepted the resignation of his close ally and asked Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano to assume the additional role of finance minister. 麻生太郎首相接受了这位亲密盟友的辞呈,并任命经济财政大臣与谢野馨兼任财务大臣。
The minister of finance doesn't realize what a ball and chain these taxes could become to medium and small businesses. 财政部长不知这些税赋会对中小企业造成多大包袱。
The writer was Greek Minister of finance from October 2009 to June 2011, and is now the Greek Minister for environment, energy and climate change 本文作者现任希腊环境、能源与气候变化部长,他曾在2009年10月到2011年6月期间担任希腊财政部长
The deal was agreed at a meeting of EU finance ministers which was attended by Irish Minister of Finance Brian Linehan. 该借贷协议最终由爱尔兰财政部长BrianLinehan在出席欧盟财政部长会议后同意签署的。
An agent de change had to be a French citizen, be nominated by a former agent or his estate, be approved by the Minister of Finance, and was appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. 一个股票经纪人,应该为法国公民,由一位前经纪人提名,经财政部长批准后,由总统书面任命。
Each time the franc loses value, the Minister of Finance is convinced that the fact arises from everything but economic causes. 翻译成中文,就是说,每次法郎价值下跌,(法国)财政部长都会找尽理由,就是不承认这是由经济因素引起的。
Both gravitated early to the centre of political events. In 1919, Keynes was negotiating the Treaty of Versailles; Schumpeter was Austrian minister of finance. 两人都很早就进入了政治事件的中心:1919年,凯恩斯参与了凡尔赛和约(TreatyofVersailles)的谈判;熊彼特则是奥地利财政部长。
Yonhap news agency quoted the words of South korea's Deputy Minister of Finance and economy Kim yong-duk, who said North korea's recent efforts to promote economic reforms "lead South Korea to believe the country might attend next year's meeting". 联合新闻社引述南韩财政经济部次官金永道?音?的话说,北韩最近推动经济改革的行动让我们相信,这个国家可能参加明年的会议。
The Department of Accounting plant equipment and not many people, a Minister of Finance, a cashier, the two accountants, and I teach the old accounting Xia Jie. 器材厂的会计部并没有太多人,设有一个财务部长,一个出纳,两个会计员,而教导我的是老会计霞姐。
The Minister of Finance was dismissed from his position on account of the ineffective economic policy. 翻译因为采取了行之无效的经济政策,财政部长被免职了。
This delegation is headed by the Minister of Finance. 这个代表团的团长是财务部长。
Indian Finance Minister P.Chidambaram says he will attend a meeting of Finance heads from the group of seven nations in February in london. 印度财政部长奇丹巴拉姆说,他将参加二月在伦敦举行的七国集团财政部长会议。
This could have been a moment of glory for Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg prime minister and President of the Eurogroup that brings together eurozone finance ministers. 这本可能成为卢森堡首相兼欧元区财长会议主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)的光荣时刻。
Yoshihiko Noda, the finance minister, has been stepping up the rhetoric all week but this is the first time since the g7-backed co-ordinated intervention soon after the earthquake that the Ministry of finance has given the go ahead to the BoJ to sell yen. 尽管财务大臣野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)本周的措辞越来越强硬,但自地震发生后不久七国集团的联合干涉以来,这还是财务省首次同意日本央行抛售日元。
Yannis Ragoussis, a close ally of the prime minister, takes on the job of government co-ordination, perhaps the second most taxing position in the Greek cabinet after the finance and economy minister. 帕潘德里欧的亲密盟友&雅尼斯·拉古西斯负责政府部门的协调事务,在政府内阁中其职位的繁重程度或许仅次于财政经济部长。
But count Schwerin von krosigk, who had been Minister of Finance continuously since his appointment by papen in1932, was to retain that post. 但是自从1932年由巴本任命为财政部长以来一直蝉联到现在的施维林冯克罗西克伯爵仍将继续保持他的职位。
Anders Borg, the Swedish Minister of finance, is also warning that the current package is unacceptable because it is unfair to non-eurozone countries, whether they want to join or remain outside the banking Union. 瑞典财政部长安德斯博格(andersborg)也警告称,现行规则令人无法接受,因其对于非欧元区国家来说不公平,无论这些国家是否有意加入欧元区银行业联盟。
He had a colorful political career& twice Cabinet member of the Republic of China, then member of Monetary Committee, President of Monetary Bureau and Minister of Finance; 民国以后,他两度入阁,先后出任币制委员会委员、币制局总裁、财长总长等职,在其摇曳多姿的政治生涯中,这是一段非常重要的人生履历;
Since 1967, Stanley S. Sarry, the assistant to the Minister of Ministry of Finance of USA raised the conception of tax expenditure in the first, it has drawn the attention of the world and progressed academically and practically. 自1967年美国财政部部长助理斯坦利.S.萨里首次提出了税式支出的概念以来,税式支出日益引起世界各国的重视,并在理论和实践上都得到了长足的发展。